Message from our CEO

A message from Sandra James, CVMG CEO
Welcome to Central Valley Medical Group. Thank you for choosing us to be your health care provider.
At Central Valley Medical Group, we care about your health and creating healthy communities in the local Stanislaus County and beyond. Our physician network understands you are entrusting your health care needs to us.
We are personally committed to keeping the people of Stanislaus County and their families – healthy and productive. We believe in delivering the highest level of quality care efficiently with a personal touch centered around you and your needs.
By delivering prompt, personalized, and comprehensive care, we keep our patients healthy beyond their home and workplace, which in turns creates healthy families. Our principles of inclusion, empowerment, and engagement help make a strong, healthy and vibrant community. Our mission is to have high-quality physicians who will provide you with exceptional care while demonstrating wisdom, integrity, and compassion.
We collaborate with our community and health care partners throughout the Central Valley and Northern California. I am thrilled to be a part of this dynamic organization that is growing and making a difference in our community.
We look forward to providing you with exceptional health care that enhances your total well-being. Welcome, and let’s take a journey toward health together!
To your health,
Sandra James, CEO
Central Valley Medical Group